Covid restrictions / cancellation of LTTA
We would like to inform you that the final LTTA for “School Walls” that was planned for Greece in May 2020 has been postponed till next school year.
Our project and our teams will continue working online

We would like to inform you that the final LTTA for “School Walls” that was planned for Greece in May 2020 has been postponed till next school year.
Our project and our teams will continue working online
The creative Erasmus team by Sofia Alexiou that transformed a traditional classroom to a Future Classroom Lab.
1. Gymnasio Gennadiou (Secondary School of Gennadi). Public Secondary School
1. Agrupamento de Escolas de São João da Talha in Portugal
2. M. Preti – A. Frangipane in Italy
3. Fyllingsdalen High School in Norway
4. Lapua Upper Secondary in Finland
5. IES El Sobradillo in Spain
Erasmus KA 229 Project code 2018-1-EL01-KA229-047802
The idea of the partnership is based on “Future Classroom Lab” by European Schoolnet in Brussels. The lab is an inspirational learning environment, challenging visitors to rethink the role of pedagogy, technology and design in their classrooms.
Continue ReadingCopyright Gymnasio Gennadiou Rodou / Secondary School of Gennadi. Greece 2018 Theme Unos Magazine Vu. Pictures from Pixabay