LTTA 5 FINLAND February 2020 Lapua Upper Secondary
LTTA 5. We studied learning zone 3 and 4, Present and Interact
Lapua Upper Secondary presented the changes made to create Future Classroom lab at their school
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Lapua Upper Secondary presented the changes made to create Future Classroom lab at their school
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Lapua Upper Secondary School (Senior High School) is situated in Ostrobothnia, Western Finland. The enrolment is about 260 students. The staff consists of 21 teachers, a headmaster and 11 other members of staff, including a full-time student counsellor.
The school provides general education aiming at preparing students for further education, especially universities and universities of applied sciences (polytechnics). In order to graduate students have to pass a minimum of 75 courses and the national exam known as the Matriculation Examination.
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