
LTTA 1. The topic was Future Classroom Lab.

We learnt about the theoretical Background for the Future Classroom Lab. Teachers and students discussed their opinions from the practical application of Future Classroom Lab.

The teachers presented how they created Future Classroom Lab at their school

The Future Classroom Lab in Agrupamento de Escolas de São João da Talha

Visit our eTwinning project for more

Presentation by students

Presentation for the project

Photo album

Teacher professional development for the digital age

European Schoolnet has organised fee-based courses in its own training venue since 2012. Future Classroom Lab is a unique and inspiring learning environment in Brussels, that challenges visitors to rethink the role of pedagogy, technology and design in their classrooms. The training opportunities include from 2 to 5-day workshops and courses to address today’s teaching challenges and the classrooms of the future.