
LTTA 1. The topic was Future Classroom Lab.

We learnt about the theoretical Background for the Future Classroom Lab. Teachers and students discussed their opinions from the practical application of Future Classroom Lab.

The teachers presented how they created Future Classroom Lab at their school

The Future Classroom Lab in Agrupamento de Escolas de São João da Talha

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Presentation by students

Presentation for the project

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Erasmus KA 229 Project code 2018-1-EL01-KA229-047802

The idea of the partnership is based on “Future Classroom Lab” by European Schoolnet in Brussels. The lab is an inspirational learning environment, challenging visitors to rethink the role of pedagogy, technology and design in their classrooms.

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The Future Classroom Toolkit is a collection of tools, guidance and resources for designing future classroom scenarios and using them to bring advanced and innovative learning and teaching to the classroom. The toolkit helps the user to establish a path through the process of innovation. It focuses on advanced approaches to learning and teaching that support learners in the adoption of 21st century skills.

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How to use the Toolkit
There is no single model for the future. We provide you with the Future Classroom Model: a self-review tool that enables schools to reflect on their teaching and learning and their capacity for technology-supported innovation.

To suit the 21st century, more and more educators and policy-makers are calling for a shift in teaching methods and education content towards student-centred, active learning.

Critical thinking, communication, collaboration and creativity – the 4Cs– are the “super skills” which are essential for successful learning, teaching, assessment, working and living in today’s digital economy. How can schools prepare the young generation of learners for the challenges ahead of them in this ever-changing world?

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